Who says teacher life has to be chaotic with endless meetings, deadlines, and dates to remember? This digital teacher planner is a must-have for any teacher looking to keep their life in the palms of their hands! (Printing is available from the good notes app if needed.) I can simply share one page of my planner using the good notes app. No longer do I need to print out a calendar. Sometimes my principal requests our pacing for the month so she can schedule our formal observations. This saves the hassle of printing out lesson plans. With the google slide version, I can link my lesson plans to my planner. I am also not using dozens and dozens of sheets of paper by printing and binding my planner. With the paper inside of my digital planner, I can access it whenever I need to and recycle my unneeded paper.

I use the CamScanner app (Free) to scan the agenda and insert it into the notes section of the planner. The agenda contains important information. Every faculty meeting, my principal provides us with an agenda to take notes on. With the world moving toward paperless options, digital planning is the newest way to stay organized on the go. When selecting a planner, teachers want a combination of cost-efficient, customizable, and visually appealing. This often leaves teachers purchasing their own paper. Most school districts limit paper use per teacher in order to conserve funds. Teachers often make the switch to paperless classrooms for many reasons. Who says teacher life has to be chaotic with endless meetings, deadlines, and dates to remember? This digital teacher planner is a must-have for any teacher looking to keep their life in the palms of their hands! Who says teacher life has to be chaotic with endless meetings, deadlines, and dates to remember? This digital teacher planner is a must-have for any teacher looking to keep their life in the palms of their hands! 1.